Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Closer Look At Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic scaling skin. It may range from just a few spots anywhere on the body to large areas of involvement. It is not contagious or spread able from one part of the body to another or from one person to another. There is no blood test to diagnose psoriasis. The diagnosis is made by observation and examination of the skin. Sometimes microscopic examination of the skin (biopsy) is helpful where the changes are not typical or characteristic. The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but hereditary and genetic factors are important. Psoriasis runs in families. This does not mean, however, that every child of a parent with psoriasis will develop psoriasis, but it is common that somewhere down the line psoriasis will appear in families. Psoriasis is not caused by allergies, infections, dietary deficiencies or excesses, or nervous tension.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Hygiene Key To Controlling Nail Psoriasis

There are a number of things you can do to help prevent nail fungus and infections during the hot summer months, says the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.
The society offers the following tips:
Purchase your own tools for use in nail salon procedures. Infectious particles can be transmitted on tools such as emery boards, which cannot be sterilized.
Ask about the sanitation standards of nail salons. How do they clean their equipment and how often? How often do they change the filters in the foot massages?
Keep your toenails trimmed, clean and neat. Keeping your nails healthy helps prevent the spread of infection and helps your overall health.
Make an annual visit to a dermasurgeon to have your skin and nails checked for early signs of illness or problems.
Don't have your cuticles cut during salon procedures. If too much of the cuticle is cut back during a manicure, the cuticle can be separated from the nail, and infectious agents can get into the exposed area.
Don't shave your legs before they're exposed to circulating water in a pedicure spa. Nicks and cuts from shaving can be infected by bacteria in inadequately cleaned pedicure spas.
Don't ignore infections. If there's redness or soreness after a procedure, it may be a sign of an infection. See your dermasurgeon.
Only go to licensed, trained professionals. Each manicurist should have a state-issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed.