Saturday, April 02, 2005

Seven Ways for Children to Cope with Psoriasis

Seven Ways to Beat the Psoriasis Blues
Prepare your child for the chronic nature of the disease and that it goes through cycles.
Help your child to understand that while this is a genetic disorder, we don't know why some people have it and some don't.
Assure your child that they did not bring on psoriasis. It's not their fault. Make sure the child knows the psoriasis is not her fault because she doesn't eat right, keep clean or has an abnormal personality.
Teach your child patience, with the understanding that some treatments work better than others for them. Tell your child how important it is that they use the medicines properly to control the psoriasis.
Encourage questions and inquisitiveness. Some children are better off writing down their questions. Teens might be interested in camouflaging techniques and other things that help them to feel more in control of their condition. Ensure that they get the answers to their questions from their dermatologist. Discuss their condition, both physically and emotionally, with the dermatologist.
Encourage your child to reach out for support whenever needed and make sure the support is there. Teenagers may find the psoriasis especially distressing, as appearance is extremely important to teens. You can remind teens that educating the people they encounter is important.
Make sure the child understands that while psoriasis might be part of who they are, it's not all of who they are.