Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Psoriasis Treatment

Treatment options for psoriasis have come a long way. Psoriasis treatment is based on the sufferer’s age, the severity of their condition, and the type of psoriasis they have. Psoriasis tends to flare-up when the person is exposed to certain trigger factors. Substances or conditions that can worsen psoriasis include changes in climate, infections, stress, and dry skin. Also, certain medicines may cause an outbreak or worsening of the disease. A natural treatment to improve psoriasis can be found in basic lifestyle changes.

Research indicates that ocular symptoms of psoriasis occur in approximately 10% of psoriasis sufferers. Ocular psoriasis can cause symptoms including inflammation of the eye, dryness and discomfort. When psoriasis affects the eyelids, scales may cover lashes. The edges of the eyelids may become red and crusty. If inflamed for long periods, the rims of the lids may turn up or down. If the rim turns down, lashes can rub against the eyeball and cause irritation. In a prolonged ocular episode vision impairment may occur. Ocular psoriasis treatment is aimed at preventing irritation and controlling inflammation.

 Many people have found that Psoriasis-Ltd is the the answer.Patients have seen an excellent improvement in the appearance of their psoriasis after starting the application of Psoriasis-Ltd. Psoriasis-Ltd does not stain clothes or bedding, does not smell, and dries invisibly on the skin in less than 20 seconds