Friday, September 02, 2005

Alternative Treatments For Psoriasis

The success rates of alternative treatment for psoriasis are difficult to measure, as conclusive test results are not available. Psoriasis has traditionally been one of the skin conditions that has stumped researchers and has proven very difficult to cure. Unfortunately, many alternative treatment types available may not actually work, and many “cures” play on the need of the patient and as merely a means to make money. There is not one treatment out there that is a miracle cure. If that was the case, the cure would widely be known and not be a secret, hidden cure.
However, there is no doubt that some alternative treatment types do work, and some treatments may benefit one person and not another. Many natural treatments include Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Dermatitis-Ltd, Manipulation, Osteopathy, Climate, Diet, Dietary Supplements, Homeopathy, Water Therapy, Chinese Medicine, Meditation and Relaxation, Herbal therapies, Topical Moisturizing Products, and Magnets. Seeking consultation from a doctor is very important before trying any self-treatments.