Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Basic Treatment Protocol For Psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis is determined by the location, severity and history of psoriasis in each individual. There is no one method of treatment, for each person with psoriasis may respond differently. One main objective of treatment is to slow down the more rapid than usual growth rate of the skin cells. The rapid growth rate of skin cells causes the red, scaly psoriasis patches. The underlying cause of this increased skin growth is not yet known. For patients with minimal psoriasis, therapy is limited to topical medications that are drugs applied to the skin. For patients with moderate to widespread psoriasis, topical treatments are often combined with ultraviolet light therapy. Either sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light therapy can be used. If topical and ultraviolet light therapy are not effective, or are not practical, systemic or oral medications can be used. These may be combined with ultraviolet light therapy, the so-called photo-chemotherapy or PUVA therapy. In severe cases and unresponsive cases of psoriasis, there are oral medications that slow down the growth rate of skin which are helpful. These drugs can have significant side effects and have to be used with the proper safeguard and caution. Even these strong drugs do not cure psoriasis but only help to control the disease.